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徐怡 副教授

徐怡 研究論文

1. 徐怡,台灣股票市場水泥產業上市公司益本比預測模型研究,親民學報,第1卷,第2冊,第269-282頁,(1999)(NA;)

2. Jen-Hung Huang, Yi Hsu, Hero Chiou,Further Discussion for Personal Computer Industry,Industry Forum,Volume 2,Number 2,pp. 129-146,(2001)(NA;)

3. Jen-Hung Huang, Yi Hsu,A Content Analysis of Advertising Component, Culture Value, and Child Development for Children’s Television Advertisements In Taiwan,The Journal of Advertising & Public Relations,第1卷,第18冊,第1-27頁,(2002)(NA;)

4. Jen-Hung Huang, Yi Hsu,Grey Model for Predicting Volume of Advertising,The Journal of Grey System,Volume 15,Number 4,pp. 365-370,(2003)(SCI;)

5. 詹文男,徐怡,朱雲鵬,The TRON Project,科技政策與創新活動學報,第1卷,第1冊,第3-14頁,(2004)(NA;)

6. 王顯達、朱雲鵬、謝邦昌、陳立功、徐怡,台灣製造業成功推出技術上新產品因素分析,科技政策與創新活動學報,第1卷,第2冊,第23-34頁,(2005)(NA;)

7. 徐怡、徐立偉,台灣旅館與民宿在服務缺失及服務修補差異分析,數據分析期刊,第1卷,第3冊,第27-45頁,(2006)(NA;)

8. 徐、徐立偉,產品涉入度高低對品牌延伸效果影響差異分析,數據分析期刊,第1卷,第1冊,第165-183頁,(2006)(NA;)

9. Jen-Hung Huang, Yi Hsu,Users’ Satisfaction Model of E-Broker,Managing Service Quality(Revised),(2006)(NA;)

10. Jen-Hung Huang, Yi Hsu,A Cross-National Content Analysis of Children’s Television Commercials,International Journal of Advertising(Revised),(2006)(NA;)

11. 徐怡,陳立功,朱雲鵬,謝邦昌,國家創新效率評比分析,中小企業發展季刊,第1卷,第1冊,第111-130頁,(2007)(NA;)

12. Yi Hsu, Li Wei Hsu,Cross Analysis on the Contents of Children’s Television Commercials in the United States,The Journal of American Academy of Business,Volume 12,Number 1,pp. 205-214,(2007)(NA;)((ABI/INFORM), EBSCO and CABELLS and ULRICH’S DIRECTORIES.)

13. Yi Hsu and Chung-Ho Wang,Reliability Improvement of Oil Seal by Variation Component Chart and MECGR Model,Journal of Quality,Volume 15,Number 2,(2008)(SCI;)

14. Yi HSu and Chung-Ho Wang,Reliability Optimization of a non-repairable Compound Series-parallel System,Journal of Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineering,Volume 25,Number 2,pp. 116-126,(2008)(EI;)

15. Yi Hsu and Chih-Chun Chang,Classification and Influence Factors of Service Innovation,Journal of Data Analysis,Volume 3,Number 1,(2008)(NA;)

16. Yi Hsu, L.K.Chen, Y.P. Chu, and B.C.Shia,Non-linear innovation model of electronic industry in Taiwan,International Journal of Value Chain Management,Volume 2,Number 2,pp. 188-205,(2008)(NA;)(NSC942416H150002)

17. Chung Ho Wang and Yi Hsu,Enhancing Rubber Component Reliability by Response Model,Computer & Industrial Engineering(Accepted),(2009)(SCI;)

18. Yi Hsu and Wei-Ting Ting,The Influence of Personality Traits on Acceptance of Innovativeness,Marketing Review(已接受),(2009)(NA;)

19. Yi Hsu and Wei-Ting Ting,A Study of applying LISREL on the Relationship among Personality Traits between Innovativeness,Journal of Data Analysis(已接受),(2009)(NA;)

20. Yi Hsu and Chung-Wen Yeh,A Study of Applying Neural Network to Culture and Marketing Innovativeness,Journal of Data Analysis(已接受),(2009)(NA;)

21.Yi Hsu, Li Wei Hsu, and Chung-Wen Yeh (2010), “A cross-cultural study on consumers’ level of acceptance toward marketing innovativeness,” African Journal of Business Management, Volume 4,Number 6,pp. 1215-1228(SSCI)(NSC96-2416-H-150-002-).

22. Yi Hsu, Chu-Ying Chen, Tzong-Ke Young (2010), “Different Forms of E-mail Marketing Effect on Relationship Quality,” Journal of Data Analysis, Vol.5 (2), pp.49-72 (EconLit).
3. Yi Hsu , Shih-Ying Chiu (2010),“Capital Expenditures, Firm Size, and R&D Investment Impact on Enterprise Performance by Applying Response Surface Model,” Journal of Data Analysis(Accepted)(EconLit).



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